SAFE-UP’s Deliverables

WP2 Future safety-critical scenarios

D2.4 Definition of the future use cases: scope and data to build digital twins of use cases

D2.5 Description of metrics for traffic interactions

D2.6 Use case definitions and initial safety-critical scenarios

D2.8 Analysis of simulation results and identification of future safety-critical traffic interactions

D2.13 Analysis of simulation results and identification of future safety-critical traffic interactions update

D2.14 Description of metrics for traffic interactions update

WP3 Active safety systems for vehicle-human interaction

D3.1 Active safety system specification and risk analysis 

D3.2 Demo 2 (vehicle demonstrator for object detection in adverse weather conditions)

D3.3 Demo 3 (vehicle demonstrator for trajectory planning and control combined automatic energy braking and steering manoeuvres including system for VRU detection, motion planning and trajectory control to enhance real-world performance)

D3.4 Demo 4 (system for on-time warning provisions to VRUs and drivers in critical conditions)

D3.5 Demo 2 (vehicle demonstrator for object detection in adverse weather conditions) update

D3.6 Demo 3 (vehicle demonstrator for trajectory planning and control combined automatic energy braking and steering manoeuvres including system for VRU detection, motion planning and trajectory control to enhance real-world performance) update

D3.7 Demo 4 (system for on-time warning provisions to VRUs and drivers in critical conditions) update

D3.8 Verification Report for Demos 2, 3 and 4

WP4 Passive safety systems

D4.1 Use case definition

D4.2 Architecture of passive safety systems

D4.5 Passive safety systems physical demonstrator